Sunday, May 10, 2020

Quick Tip Use the LinkedIn Headline to Announce Your Job Search

Quick Tip Use the LinkedIn Headline to Announce Your Job Search 19 Flares 19 Flares Often times, its the little things that pay dividends.  This is 100% true in the job search. Now, while I 100% agree and believe in the quick tip below, I cant give myself full credit for coming up with it.  Its actually something that I always remembered Bill Boorman talking about in #JobHuntChat, so please, thank Bill for his brain. Ask and you shall receive Basically, what Bill always preached is simple.  If you dont state clearly what youre looking for, how will an employer ever know?  Shout out what you are looking for on your social media profiles, and theyll take notice.  You see, an employer might find your background, tweets, or your use of facebook interesting, but might not think youre looking for work.  If they think calling you is a waste of time, then they probably wont call you.  But if they think you are looking for work, chances are youll be receiving a call. Definitely do this on LinkedIn and  Twitter, and possibly even on  Facebook too. Using LinkedIn headlines to announce your job search For years, my headline on LinkedIn has read, Recruiting and HR Professional.  While entirely accurate, its both boring and useless to my job search.  Im not alone, many job seekers are utilizing  a similar headline for their profile.  Visiting employers may believe we are happily employed when reading our headline, and wont bother reaching out. Now, if employed but job searching, you obviously cant always shout it out publicly that youre looking.  That part makes sense, and in that case, a standard headline is fine.  But if youre unemployed, or your employer knows your situation, then create a headline that clearly states what you are looking for. My NEW LinkedIn Headline That headline just took sexy back.  Seriously, that headline screams sexy, and it brings clarity to my job search.  Lets talk about the results Ive got. I changed my headline to, Looking for a Social Media Recruiting Position just two days ago, and have already received 3 inquiries from employers.  You cant argue with those results.  It works  Its simple  Its sexy. Make sure that if you do change your headline to something like mine that it wont get you in trouble with a current employer (if you have one).  And if youre wondering, yes, my employer knows Im looking.

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